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Tighten Your Core with Evolve Tone® by InMode™

Tighten Your Core with Evolve Tone® by InMode™

We all know those people in our lives who can cut calories for a few weeks, hit the gym once or twice, and suddenly show up with chiseled abs. If wishing made it so, we would all get muscle definition that easily. 

Unfortunately, no matter how much you focus on diet and exercise, tight, toned muscles are often elusive.

But not anymore. 

Dr. Chinyere Orafu and the team at Ohio Laser & Wellness Center want to help if you’re among those who struggle to get abs even with hard work. Here’s what you should know about Evolve Tone® by InMode™.

How Evolve Tone works

Gone are the days of breaking a sweat for rock-hard abs — flabby midsections have met their match with Evolve Tone. This approach to muscle toning helps you get the core of your dreams by emitting powerful electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) through hands-free applicators. 

This system works with pulses of electrical stimulation targeted at specific muscle groups and triggers involuntary contractions that gradually increase strength and give you muscle definition. 

Bonus: there’s no pain involved with Evolve Tone treatments. At most, you should feel something akin to muscle contractions. The same goes for afterward. Other than feeling a bit sore (like you just did some sit-ups), you won’t need to spend any time in recovery.

Everyone is different, but typically we recommend around six treatments to get the best results.

Beyond your abs 

Evolve Tone doesn’t stop at making your aesthetic dreams come true. Have you recently had surgery that’s making it hard to get exercise? Are you living with a chronic condition like multiple sclerosis that prevents you from moving your muscles? Evolve Tone can help.

Evolve Tone can be an integral part of your recovery or maintenance program by directly stimulating your legs, arms, and core muscles. With this advanced technology, you can keep your body strong and healthy and get impressive muscle tone, regardless of your mobility.

The Evolve Tone difference

We love Evolve Tone because it offers a safe, streamlined way for our patients to finally get the bodies they’ve been working so hard for — no scalpel required. 

Getting the most out of your treatment

Want to see your results stick around for the long haul? For starters, you can maintain a healthy routine that includes a nutritious diet and a balance of cardio and strength training workouts. You can also talk to us about scheduling maintenance treatments every so often. 

A tight, strong core doesn’t have to be out of reach now. Call or schedule an appointment online with our experts at one of our offices in Dover or Canton, Ohio, today and see what Evolve Tone can do for you. 

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